Let us help you find the right job! Our highly trained employment councilors keep up with current trends in the job market and can help you gain employment.
RMCS can help you build a resume and/or cover letter, and gain confidence to go get the job you need. We have many contacts in the community and can help you find an entry level position after assessing your skills.
Our Employment Services can help you through various workshops and one-on-one consultations to teach you how to best join the job market. Best of all it's FREE.
Call 604-279-7160 to get in touch with an employment specialist.
Refugees, Landed Immigrants, Naturalized citizens, Live-in Caregivers Refugee Claimants and Provincial Nominees who need assistance with settlement issues in their first language or in English.
Did we mention that we do this all for free? Call us today and get started! 604-279-7160.